Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Random Thoughts In The Bag...


Todd said...

Staying true to a commitmnet I just made today to my students and some new friends out on Sedge Island, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, I have begun this 'blog' journal to continue the good practice journaling about my experiences. I have no idea what I'll capture here from my mind and experiences - but I'm totally jazzed about it all! I will also be starting a paper version when I get a new journal for sketching, keeping clips/pics, and folks' contacts whose paths I get to cross. Thanks Jim, Katina, Brett, Carly, and Paulo. Cactch y'all soon...

Todd said...

I was just listening to Sean Lennon, son of John and Yoko, and he was reflecting on some new multimedia music (with DVD film clips) he is releasing. He referenced and generalized Carl Jung's idea that we (humans) recreate the experiences of our childhood, weather positive or negative.

Thus, during early childhood our experiences with nature, weather positive or negative, are woven in to our brain in the form of basic moral and value sets by the age of four(4) as understoof by somewhat recent brain biology research.

Thus, squash a bug again and again as a young child, squash nature and our relationship to nature again and again as an put it simply.